Camper Trailer Chattel Mortgage

A Camper Trailer Chattel Mortgage allows businesses to secure finance against a camper trailer. The camper must be used for a minimum of 50% business use to qualify for this type of finance.  Sole traders, partnerships, trusts and large corporations can purchase assets using a chattel mortgage.

Benefits of a Camper Trailer Chattel Mortgage

  • No deposit with up to 100% finance of the purchase price including any accessories.
  • Fixed competitive interest rate.
  • Monthly fixed repayment schedule.
  • Balloon payments on the business car loan are available.
  • Finance terms from 1 to 5 years.
  • GST registered clients can claim the GST of the purchase price.
  • Access to possible tax benefits (check with your accountant).
  • Ownership of camper trailer from the start of the agreement.
  • Low establishment fees and no payout penalties.
  • Finance from $5000 to 5,000,000.

Apply Now

Applying for a Camper Trailer Chattel Mortgage is easy.  Our friendly finance experts are ready to assist you.  An over-the-phone application takes only 5 to 6 minutes.  Call 07 5437 6988 or enquire online.  Experience and a focus on customer service make Austrack Finance your first stop when applying for finance.

Finance Calculator

Our Camper Trailer Finance Calculator is a useful tool.  Knowing an approximate fortnightly or monthly repayment allows you to ensure that the camper you have your eye on will fit in the budget. You will need to know the amount you wish to finance, the term of the loan and an interest rate.


Comprehensive insurance is a must to protect your new camper.  In fact, all camper trailer chattel mortgage finance contracts are conditional on the purchaser taking out comprehensive insurance prior to the finance settlement.

Useful Link | ATO Community Personal Tax Questions

This link answers the personal tax question put to the ATO 'Can you claim a Camper trailer as accommodation when you travel to field days/Seminars when in remote areas?'

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