Early Planning Will Make Your Camping Trip a Success

Camping is a great experience but if you forget certain items it is going to be tough. You will be too far away from town to go buy what you left behind. Early planning though will help ensure that your camping trip is a success. Make a list of items you will need and then add to it as you think of new things.
Have someone else go over that list too. That way they may think of something that you didn’t. What do you plan on doing for meals? If you have a caravan or you are renting a cabin then you will have running water and a refrigerator. Otherwise you need to plan on cooking outdoors. Find out of the camping location has a pit or if you need to bring along your own grill.
Bring food that you can easily prepare as well as paper plates and utensils. Toss out as much as you can to cut down on the cleaning up after each meal. It is a good idea to have a fire extinguisher too just in case you need one. Always bring along water to drink, a battery powered radio, lighting for night time, and a first aid kit.
When you go camping the weather can change throughout the day. When packing make sure you offer layers for everyone. It is going to be cooler in the morning, heat up in the afternoons, and then cool down again. You may get some rain along the way too. Always have enough dry clothing for your time camping. Bring along jackets, umbrellas, and plenty of sunscreen.
If you plan on towing a trailer with your car make sure you have it carefully inspected. You need to make sure the lighting and everything is in good working condition. Check over your vehicle too so that everything is ready. You should have a spare tire for both the vehicle and the trailer.
Pack your items securely too so that if you go over some rough roads to get to the camp site nothing will be damaged. Pack the heavy items on the bottom and lighter stuff on top of it. Use some rope or bungee cords to tie everything securely into place.
Make sure that someone at home knows that you are camping, particularly if you have taken your off road camper trailer well out into the bush or far off the beaten track. They should have details of where you plan on camping and when you will return. Then if something should prevent you from making it back they will know where to start looking for you.