Rainbow Beach

Sounds magical right? Well, it is!! Rainbow is situated on the mainland, at the southern end of Fraser Island, approximately 3 hours from Brisbane. It’s a small but popular community, accessed via Tin Can Bay Road and right beside the Great Sandy National Park.
Carlo Sand Blow
There is a lovely rainforest walk to Carlo Sand Blow and the white sand dunes, which gives a very impressive view across the ocean. Sunrise is a perfect time to get up and see the light breaking over the horizon, at Carlo. Take a piece of cardboard or boogie board for the kids and exhaust them with runs up the dunes, for the thrilling slide back down. They’ll be worn out in no time!
Inskip Point Camping
One of the two barge departure points for Fraser Island is located at the end of Inskip Point. Very soft sand exists at the entry/exit onto the beach, so the usual 4x4 recovery equipment and lowering of tyre pressure etc is required. (tip: the other barge departure is from River Heads carpark in Hervey Bay). Camping permits are required for Inskip camping, but vehicle access permits are not. The area consists of a narrow isthmus of Beach She-oaks, cypress pine and coastal trees. One side is ocean and the other is estuary, very popular with families, fishermen and tourists. Please look online for information relating to camping at Inskip Point, barges times/fees, and Permits required.
Freshwater Track
There is always a holiday vibe to Rainbow, with lots of backpackers and tourists from far and wide. You can combine a day trip to Fraser Island easily from Rainbow Beach, leave the camper on the mainland and head over with the 4x4. There are many 4x4 tracks to tackle in the area such as Freshwater; Kings Bore Circuit Track; Poverty Point Road; and Cooloola Way. The Freshwater Track is a well-used track which exits on northern Teewah Beach from Rainbow. An alternate route to get to Rainbow is via Noosa Northshore, up Teewah Beach and across Double Island Point back to Rainbow Beach. There are plenty of maps available online.
This whole area is full of adventure, sun, sand and opportunities to make memories, and not far from the capital city of Queensland! We believe you’ll return time and time again, because once is never enough.