The do’s and don’ts of branding your company vehicle

Have you ever been driving behind a car plastered with a company's brand and just thought it looked like such a mess? There are two takeaways from this. First, whether you liked the design of the car or not, you still noticed it, and this means other people are too. The second takeaway is that you can use this method to advertise your own business. When purchasing a new company vehicle a low doc car loan is a great finance option that can include the cost of decals or a full vehicle wrap.
Your company car can be an essential marketing tool to the success of your business, as it effectively becomes a mobile billboard. You just have to use it right, of course. But fret not, we have the essential do's and don'ts of how you can best use your vehicle for the benefit of your company, simply read on.
Do: Make sure the important info is easily accessible
Your car is going to be observed from all angles as you drive around. That might sound like obvious advice, but this means you can't waste your space! Be sure to include your contact information - even if it's just a phone number, email or logo - on all sides of the car so everyone can get this information should they find it applicable to them.
Don't: Overwhelm your audience
When you're driving around, everyone on the roads or passing by are your audience. And since you're on the go, it's crucial to keep your design simple. It's important that you have a sleek design that makes sense all together as you move around the car. Additionally, too many words or ambiguous phrasing can confuse people. Your message should easily digestible and large enough to read from a distance or while driving around.

Do: Plan the design of the vehicle based on the type of car
If you just go off planning your graphic design without considering the style of car, you might end up with a very funny looking advertisement. You'll have to be wary of where the text and important images go as well. You have to be careful that when a door is open, or window is rolled down the meaning of your message still makes sense. Of course, this also means you have the opportunity to get really creative with the curves and creases of the car, if you have the artistic eye.
Yellows and reds have immense ability to stand out on the road and in memories.
Don't: Be afraid of colour
Using colours that pop are going to help you stand out from other ads and are more likely to be remembered by the other drivers. If you have a boring black and white scheme you risk getting lost in the traffic. Yellows and reds have immense ability to stand out on the road and in memories, assuming they're on a good background. Cherry text on a maroon car probably won't work very well.
Do: Include the cost of branding in your low doc car loan
If you're reading this and you think mobile advertising sounds like a good idea, but have yet to get a company car because it can be tricky for small business owners, then we can help! We at Austrack Finance are trained to help you sort out a little something called the low doc or no doc car loan. A low doc car loan is a simple finance option for small business owners and it can include the cost of the branding.
Small businesses find these loans beneficial simply because they are much easier than a traditional loan and much less loops to jump through. In order to obtain a low doc or no doc car loan, all you have to do is get in touch with our friendly experts today! We'll help you organise a pre-approved low doc loan within hours, and we'll answer all the the questions you may have as we do it!