The joys of horse ownership far outweigh the costs

Horses are among the most majestic creatures in the world, and it's no wonder people love owning, caring for and riding these amazing animals.
Many people buy these equine beasts to "keep the grass down", as a fun hobby for a young child or simply because of a love for these wonderful animals. The problem with these ideas is that the grass will eventually be eaten, the children can lose interest or get bored as time goes on and, as much as your love your horse, it is an expensive undertaking.
That's why taking out a loan for a horse float can help - you'll be able to cut down on that particular initial outlay and keep on top of all of the other costs that'll certainly crop up over time.

The costs of being an owner
Horses are big animals - and with a large size comes a large amount of required care. The first thing you'll need to sort out is actually getting the horse (buying, loaning or leasing) which ends up being the cheapest part of the whole process, according to Riding for the Disabled Australia.
Agistment, or boarding for your horse, is required every week, and can cost up to $200 every seven days. Property maintenance is also a possibility, especially if it's on your own patch of land. Fencing and ground care are just two of the easiest issues to sort out, but like all costs associated with owning a horse, these are ongoing.
Vet insurance can be taken out to help with some of the potential problems that can arise.
Shoeing is also an important and ever-present cost with a horse. Having a farrier fit correct shoes on your horse's hooves is going to make riding and moving around comfortable for them. Not only does regular grooming help to keep their coats healthy, they'll also continue to look stunning! Grooming is a great way to check on the health of your horse and spend quality time with them. Although this isn't an expensive exercise, it is a time consuming one that you will need to factor in when purchasing a horse. Every six to eight weeks this can cost up to $125.
Veterinary bills are probably the biggest expense with a horse, but vet insurance can be taken out to help with some of the potential problems that can arise.
That's (not) all, folks
Aside from all of the above costs, feeding, horse equipment and tack, storage, riding lessons, and, of course, transporting your horse are all going to take cash out of your back pocket.
AAA Finance can help you there - horse float finance can take that cost out of your initial equation, and make this expensive, but incredibly rewarding, hobby more accessible. Giddy up!