Water sports for your Easter getaway

Families around Australia will be keen to get out and see their beautiful country in all its glory this Easter holiday.
Camping can be a great way to do just that, and adding a boat to your plans for water sports can be a great way to keep the kids active and enjoying themselves. A boat loan from AAA Finance can help you on your way to buying all the gear that you need to add ocean and lake adventures to your holiday plans.
Here are two great options for families with kids of all ages:
1) Scuba diving or snorkelling
While out on your new or used boat, you may well come across some of the beautiful marine life that fills the Australian aquatic ecosystems.
Getting into the water to take a closer look at a school of fish or a reef system can provide a real thrill for kids and adults alike, and is perfect for swimmers of all abilities. Make sure that if your family members or friends can't swim, they are supervised and wearing a quality life jacket. Depending on the type of boat, you may be required by law to have all of your passengers wearing one, but supervision is also recommended.
Life-jackets have been a major factor in reducing boating fatalities since being lawfully required on vessels. The New South Wales Boating Incident Report of 2012-13 found that as many as 13 lives could have been saved by wearing a personal floatation device in 2012-13. Put them on!
2) Catch your own dinner
Fishing around Australia is a huge industry. IBISWorld reports that it generates $1 billion in revenue annually.
It's an easy way to pass the time while out on the water and it could help you to put fresh food on the dinner table as well.
The Australian Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics report of 2014 found that approximately 3.4 million Australians participate in recreational fishing each year. The industry is also an important part of supporting retail trade. In New South Wales alone, during the 12 months prior to May 2000, expenditure on fishing products was $554 million.
You don't have to get the most expensive equipment, but setting yourself up with a boat that can be used as a diving and fishing vessel can provide many hours of enjoyment for your family this Easter break. Talk to AAA Finance today and see how its financing options can get your family into a boat.